Mason Endodontics and Microsurgery

Root Canal Retreatment: Retreatment of a previous root canal that is infected

What is root canal retreatment?

Root canal retreatment can be required for several reasons. Complex canal anatomy or other complications during the initial root canal can result in incomplete healing of the infection. New decay or a crack that results in leakage of bacteria into the previous root canal can cause it to become reinfected as well. We use CBCT (3D) imaging for all retreatment evaluations to help diagnose the cause for the recurrent infection and guide best treatment options.

1st Step of a Root Canal Retreatment

A small access is made through the top of your tooth or crown. All filling material is removed that is covering the previous root canal. The microscope is used to identify filling material vs tooth structure to ensure we are staying as conservative as possible during our access and preserving your natural tooth structure.

2nd Step of a Root Canal Retretment

The previously filled canals are located with the help of a microscope, the previous root canal filling material called gutta-percha is removed, complex anatomy is navigated to clean all intricacies of the root canal system, the canals are disinfected with irrigants to remove all bacteria and other debris inside your tooth.

3rd Step of Root Canal Retreatment

The canals are dried and an intra-canal medicament called calcium hydroxide is placed inside each canal. The calcium hydroxide has a very high pH which works to eliminate bacteria inside the tooth. A temporary filling is placed and the calcium hydroxide is allowed to sit inside the tooth for 3-4 weeks. There are times that root canal retreatment can be completed in one appointment such as cases of untreated canals. Dr. Sullivan will advise on what he thinks is best for your tooth.

Final Step of Root Canal Retreatment

You return to our office where we confirm that you are asymptomatic and that the infection is healing. We remove the temporary and intra-canal medicament and then refill the canals with a biocompatible sealer and gutta-percha. A temporary restoration is placed and post-operative report with x-rays is sent to your dentist letting them know that the root canal retreatment is complete and you are ready for the final restoration. You will return to your dentist for a permanent filling or crown depending on what is best for your tooth.

How do I know if I need my root canal retreated?

-Your dentist may find a periapical radiolucency (shadow) on an x-ray of a previously root canal treated tooth

-Pain when chewing your food

-Spontaneous throbbing or aching from your tooth or jaw

-Pain that wakes you up at night or that you have to take medications to relieve

-Trauma to a tooth that causes fracture or the tooth to be loose

-A small bump, swelling, or “pimple” next to a tooth or more severe swelling in the jaw or cheek

-Persistent sinus issues on one side can be a sign of tooth infection